Thank you so much for our shopping trip the other weekend. I went back and bought a few of the items we looked at in Myer.

Since our shopping trip I feel like I can make better selections about what I wear on a daily basis. I’ve even received a few compliments! I’ve culled some more items from my cupboard and I’m paying more attention to what seems to work on others with similar shapes to mine too…and I’m noticing what doesn’t work too. Overall, I’m feeling less anxious about shopping for clothes. I know what types of things to look for and I’m actually excited about plans to go shopping on the weekend to try to finish off some new looks. Although I can’t say I’m a shop-a-holic now, you have helped me overcome a lot of me fears of shopping and trying to look good.

Thank you Anna!

I’ll be in touch. 🙂

Joh Gwynn - School Teacher
August 2015