
Transforming into the Melbourne executive genre was proving particularly difficult and casual observation of those who appeared to be hitting the mark indicated that a Melbourne makeover was needed. After a little research and a degree of coaxing from my wife, a two hour personal shopping appointment was made with Anna from AK Style.

After a detailed needs analysis I eventually met with Anna and quickly learnt that a two hour shopping trip involved a lot more than just looking for clothes. Anna had already selected a number of items to try on based on the information I had previously provided. The next two hours involved further analysis of my personal preferences, trying on suits, shirts, ties, shoes and glasses till I had the perfect combinations, detailed tailoring that even the highly experienced shop assistants couldn’t match and extensive life coaching ….. all at no additional cost!

I cannot speak highly enough of my shopping trip and after recovering from the initial whirlwind shopping trip I arranged yet another shopping trip to complete the wardrobe in preparation for my new executive position and new beginning in the style capital ….Melbourne

AK Style sits in a category well above value for money.

Thankyou is not enough.

Ransce S
May 2011

I feel so liberated after having my wardrobe assessed and revamped. I wish I had done this years ago. My wardrobe has never looked this good! I think you called it visual merchandising, what ever it is, I love it!!

I’m wearing the skirt which you pinned up for me, I took your advise had it altered. I purchased some of the items you recommended. The black pattern tights and black pointy boots, my legs look longer and slimmer. I’m glad we tossed the square toed shoes, I’m now anti square toed they just make me look wider and shorter. Bought a fabulous new top and that perfect coloured scarf from David Jones you suggested. (the colour looks amazing on me how did you know?) I can honestly say I feel more alive and more confident. Thanks again Anna for all your knowledge and great tips!!

Ann T
February 2011

Hi Anna,

I don’t know where to begin to thankyou for your expert advice, patience and wisdom yesterday!
I returned to all of the shops where I had things held for me and purchased everything !
I feel like a different person already , and cant wait to start wearing all of my new clothes. I even returned home to Sydney this morning and did a MASSIVE wardrobe clear out., I really don’t have much left now at all, but ahhh what a feeling, to let it all go.
I rapidly sat down and wrote down heaps of notes, desperately trying to remember all of things I had learnt along the way.

Today I’m wearing my new Witchery black slim leg pants with my (almond toed) boots over the top, with my new teal green top from David Lawrence and silver jewellery and I feel at least 15 years younger! Thank you once again!!

Julie M
July 2010

Hi Anna!
I knew that my reply might take a while because I would have to think terribly hard to describe what you have done for me!!!!
I feel amazing!!! I feel gorgeous and confident. I notice people looking at me- as in examining me as I’m talking to them. Looking at my earrings, my top, my shoes, etc, like as if they are making a mental note of what they want to go out and buy, so that they can look fabulous too. And I’m thinking that it’s not that simple, that they need to learn about themselves and what colour and cut is right for them, and then what accessories suit them also.

Scott says he knew that you were what I needed, as I have never quite “got it” about fashion. And he is right as I feel I have had the potential to look fabulous, but sadly, often it would end in fashion disasters. And that is a result of not knowing ‘why.’ I can describe this exactly. I am a registered nurse, which is a university degree which takes three years. During the course we learn not only how to nurse patients but WHY we perform certain duties or give certain medications- their uses, side effects, etc, the whole picture. Or you can do a course for one year and become an enrolled nurse, which in the lesser time most definitely teaches you the how, but not necessarily the why. You are unable to give medications after this course, as you may not realise which drugs are not suitable for a particular patient for whatever reason and cause serious problems or death!!!

So you, Anna, have been my registered nurse, teaching me not only what looks good on me, but more importantly, WHY! Why a certain colour is good or bad, why this cut or that style is good or bad. So I am for this reason, quite sure that there will be more of the fabulous (the “WOW factor” as you call it) and absolutely none of the fashion disasters. I am also excited about the prospect of shopping, even with my 4 little ones in tow, as I feel I can cut time by eliminating colours and styles that are not for me and go straight for the “Cassie clothes.” I can’t imagine going back to my plain Jane ways. I’m even looking at other people I have always thought looked gorgeous all the time- even at the kinder pick up!- and realising why, the right clothes, the right accessories! Scott jokes about me going from zero to hero!!!!! Funny!!

So anyway, thank you so much!!! I have been raving about you to anyone who will listen so I hope many others will use your services, and be transformed and feel as happy and confident as I do!

Cassie T
December 2009

Hi Anna

Thank you very much for all the knowledge that you have given me, I have learned a lot and enjoyed your lovely company immensely yesterday. Your passion for your profession is beautiful to see.

I called my sister in law and we went back to Myer that day to buy the two items held in Myer and all the cosmetics.

I am wearing the patterned Veronica Maine piece with leggings and a chunky stirling silver bracelet and earrings. Also tried on the makeup with the lip gloss. Dressing up was a easy choice this morning!

You have taught me to try on several items, place them on hold, then shop some more and then sit down and make a final decision as to what to get. Also to be able to look at pieces for the possibilities that it can offer, by simply adding accessories to personalise it to dress it down or dress it up. That was a very valuable lesson and informative tip for me, as I think that has made me a more sensible shopper.

I will strongly recommend your services to everyone who is considering updating their image or wants to learn more about how to best present themselves. Yes, as you correctly said, “celebrate being a woman” while we can. Thank you again and all the best.

Melody L
November 2009

With four children and a life as a writer working mainly from home, I’d found myself in a real fashion rut – wearing the same clothes day-in, day-out, with none of the fashion confidence of my younger days when I used to dress with a bit of pizazz. Anna reminded me about all the good things about myself I had forgotten and helped get that confidence back by showing me what worked for my skin tones and my body shape – and, what doesn’t!

Best of all, she followed my brief about my needs, my personality, the reality of my life and – importantly – my budget. She taught me that looking good and being fashion forward can be achieved even on a budget and found me so many outfits that can be worn in different ways – from day to night.

I had a couple of special events coming up with the launch of my latest book and Anna found me a couple of really interesting, special outfits that definitely had that ‘wow’ factor – perfect for the TV appearances and book talks I’ll be doing. Thank you so much!

August 2009

Hi Anna, I had a lot of fun today, and learnt a lot. You were right it was a lot of information to take in, however when I started to go through my wardrobe it all started to make sense. I now appreciate the true worth of what you had explained in our style image consultation. This information will benefit me for the rest of my life.

I also appreciate the extra time you gave me, thanks! After realising the true value of your information I am now keen to have my colours done and doing a fashion stylist shopping trip with you. I am excited and look forward to our next meeting.

Penny H
July 2009

“I had a great time with you shopping, thanks so much! I learnt a lot from you. I went back and got almost everything. I found a great pair of boots in Myer the ones we looked at actually. I love them! Antony loved everything so that made me feel good. Thanks for the extra tips, I love the blink test! Thanks again Anna.”

Lisa H
May 2009

“Thank you so much for the follow up e-mail, I had a great time at the consultation. It was very interesting to see what colours suited me best! I also compared my wardrobe to the ‘Colour Swatches’ and it seemed that the tops I never really liked that much where either too bright or way too muted for my skin tone. I know I will have a lot more fun shopping for my winter wardrobe this year”!

Priscilla Z
April 2009

“I’m a mother of two and have gone back to professional work after six years. I know l looked out of date and felt that I needed help! With Anna’s expert advice and her friendly manner, I know have a fabulous new working wardrobe. I am so happy and excited. I had missed that wonderful feeling of looking great… Thank you very much. Oh! and thanks for the great tip on my posture, it made a big difference and was very noticeable”.

Alison D
July 2008

“I thought I dressed myself reasonably well, but then I met Anna. I realised after she had finished with me, I had been living in a state of self delusion! My best effort was Anna’s opportunity for an instant revamp and education on what works and doesn’t work for me, for too many reasons to elaborate on now, suffice to say I was impressed with the content and depth of education I received.

Anna helped me with my nine to five and after hour’s attire. She gave me guidelines of what to wear and how to dress; to suit my body shape, colour, lifestyle, personality, and most importantly budget.

Wow! I immediately noticed the extra RESPECT, comments and looks I received from all people, especially the girls! Comments like “Checkout the advertising executive” (Hah, I’m actually a geeky IT Consultant). As well, my colleagues say “You’re the best dressed guy on the floor” on casual Fridays. And this happens all the time!

I’ve been transformed and resistance is futile, I’ll never go back to the old me”.

Anthony N
March 2008

“I just want to thank you for the great outfits I have, I am very happy and you’re right, a little colour makes a big difference. Thanks for the gentle push. I had a fabulous weekend with lots of compliments. I felt great, thanks again”.

Judy L
March 2008

“I looked fantastic at my son’s Barmitzvah. All thanks to Anna. She dressed me for all the events and just knew (I don’t know how) what was me and what I would feel comfortable in. Because she dressed me as a gorgeous me, I felt great and that made me look even better. I would not have considered even trying on some of the pieces she picked but when Anna put everything together it was just perfect for the occasion & for me. She nailed it and I really enjoyed the compliments”.

Joan K
December 2007

“How is it possible that one small change to an outfit can be so dramatic and make such an improvement? Anna, you were able to spot the flaw in my wardrobe in that my shoes were all wrong. Based on your advice and a shoe shopping spree later I am a transformed man. My outfits now look great and I feel so much more confident in myself.

Not content with improving my wardrobe, your advice on changing the style and cut of my hair has taken 10 years off me. Is there no end to your talents? My wife and I both thank you for the new me”.

Alistair H
September 2007